A healthy dose to cocoa; new offerings from Willy Wonka; large confectionery companies agree on flavanol-rich chocolate products; and replacing the fat in chocolate.
Rather be BlueBlueberries are one of the hottest beverage ingredients of late, with good reason. Aside from their healthy attributes, there is the amazing, across-the-board appeal of blueberries.
The new normal of cutting back and the growing popularity of the staycation has increasingly drawn consumers towards products that provide a moment of escape from daily life.VIB’s (Vacation in a Bottle) Happy Relaxation Drink is a mango-lime flavored, carbonated beverage formulated to promote relaxation through amino acids and B vitamins.
Arizona’s Lemon Flavored Iced Tea has been adapted as a children’s drink. This marks the first ready-to-drink iced tea to market to children in the U.S. and serves as a natural line extension for the brand.
As manufacturers increasingly revamp their sodas to have healthier images through reduced calories, no additives/preservatives and all-natural claims, there has also been a slight uptick in carbonated soft drink formulations that incorporate herbs and botanicals