Energy drinks proclaiming the involvement of clinical experts or physicians seems to be something of a mini-trend all unto its own, possibly a form of response to the public backlash against energy beverages, in general.
ON Beverages’ ON Powered Refreshment functional drinks feature a blend of ornithine, caffeine from tea leaf extract, and B vitamins for energy.
April 7, 2014
Developed by a board-certified clinical neuroscientist, ON Beverages’ ON Powered Refreshment functional drinks feature a blend of ornithine, caffeine from tea leaf extract, and B vitamins for energy.
A study has revealed that teenagers who consume energy drinks are more likely to use alcohol, cigarettes or drugs as they get older.
February 18, 2014
Teenagers who admitted to using energy drinks for a boost of energy, concentration or alertness were two to three times more likely to report the use of alcohol, cigarettes or drugs compared with those who did not consume energy drinks.