Sugar-to-Fiber is a genetically engineered probiotic specifically designed to address deficiencies in the American diet by converting dietary sugar (sucrose) into a special type of prebiotic fiber (levan) continuously throughout the day.
Enriching the diet with regimens of prebiotics, probiotics, postbiotics, and other ingredients can establish greater microbial diversity in the gut and has been reported to improve immune function in the aging population.
The expansion into prebiotic fiber ingredients had expanded fiber use from its traditional home within grain foods to a broader range of categories, including soft drinks and confectionery. Innova Market Insights actively monitors a broad range of trends—including global macro trends, lifestyle forces, consumer insights, ingredient trends, and new food and beverage product launches—that all show the impact of fiber use on various levels.
Gut Goodness, a ready-to-drink prebiotic supplement derived from the fruit and bark pulp of the Baobab Tree and the brainchild of former collegiate athlete and beverage branding expert Mo Harruna.
It has been well established that long-term nutritional imbalance due to low-fiber diets leads to increased incidence of noncommunicable diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, gut dysbiosis, cancer, metabolic syndrome, allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, and autoimmune diseases.
Come and (re)discover Nexira’s deep commitment to sourcing, all the technological properties of acacia gum and locust bean gum, the nutritional benefits of prebiotic acacia fiber as well as its latest launch: a new combination of acacia and carob fibers.
Kate Farms prioritizes high-quality ingredients to provide nutrition, and believes that a shake doesn't need to be pink to enjoy an organic natural strawberry flavor.
The impact of yogurt, probiotics and the gut microbiome can be linked to several health benefits including those relating to brain, digestive and immune function.
The company’s products, which include its new Gut Healthy GLP-1 Booster (an unflavored prebiotic fiber mix that can be added to any food or beverage), award-winning snack bars, and meal-replacement shakes, were available exclusively online until the company launched in bricks-and-mortar stores early 2024.