Danisco has taken natural food protection one step further, by converting its entire MicroGARD® and NovaGARD® ingredient lines to “gluten-free,” in response to growing consumer demand.
Thomas Paine famously said, “Lead, follow or get out of the way.” Sadly, American regulators appear to have opted for the third, when it comes to labeling for certain allergens.
The top claims in global sauces and dressings include reduced-calorie, natural and non-allergen, while mustard, garlic and Caesar ranked as the top-three flavors.
LycoRed Ltd., Israel, launched a new and innovative, vegetarian omega-3--Lyc-O-Mega 10 AL. This outstanding ingredient is free from fish odor and produced only from the highest quality DHA algae oil, making it especially suitable for vegetarians.
American Key Food Products (AKFP) announced the application for a patent for its gluten-free King Lion Premium Cassava Flour and the proprietary manufacturing process developed by the company.
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