Manufacturers are simplifying their formulations to satisfy the label-reading consumer. A method that companies use to reframe their brands’ ingredient lists is describing the components in a most basic and
The concept of blending dry mixes to create frozen cocktails has unexpectedly moved into the frozen yogurt smoothies area. In the U.S., Yogurt Technologies launched its Shake it Alive! frozen
Manufacturers and suppliers alike are realizing the importance of sustainability to their consumers and are implementing ìgreenî measures to quell as many concerns as they can. However, the question at hand is whether these efforts will have any real added value.
One ongoing challenge for parents is convincing children to eat vegetables. The Nurture firm offers a solution to this age-old problem. Its Happy Bites Secret Sauce Kit contains four organic
Worldwide, shot beverages have gained popularity, mostly due to their convenient grab-and-go appeal and their ability to quickly deliver on product claims. A fair portion of shots embracing functionality have
Pizzas that are boldy flavored, feature authentic ingredients, use locally sourced ingredients, and offer interesting and unusual toppings are surging in popularity.