RIBUS uses rice bran and hulls from U.S. farms to make a variety of ingredients that serve many functions. The company’s Nu-RICE, Nu-BAKE, Nu-FLOW and Nu-FLAC rice extracts and rice concentrates help emulsify (bind oil and water); carry flavors; help dry ingredients flow freely; and increase output of extruded cereals, snacks and pasta.
Thousands of industry experts, media and students gathered in Las Vegas in June for the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) 2012 annual meeting and food exhibition.
A bill that would put some teeth into federal organic food law was introduced by a bipartisan pair of representatives from opposite sides of the country.
Mars Inc. announced it has become a signatory of The Leadership Compact convened by The University of Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership.
The U.S. organic industry grew by almost 10% last year to meet expanding demand—exceeding $31 billion in sales, according to findings from the Organic Trade Association’s just-released “2012 Organic Industry Survey.”