The high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets many people turn to for weight loss might have potentially harmful long-term effects on the colon, a small study hints.
Lallemand Health Ingredients recently announced the launch of the latest addition to its LalminÆ range of yeast-based health ingredients: Lalmin Vita D--a dried, inactivated whole cell yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) containing elevated levels of vitamin D. It is produced thanks to a unique, patented process at Lallemand's yeast manufacturing plants.
During the Second World Congress of Public Health Nutrition held in Portugal, September 2010, several new and pending studies were presented that show clear evidence that poor nutrition is growing in affluent countries, despite widespread consumer access to nutritious foods and nutritional education campaigns.
With the end of one year just a couple of weeks away, it seems an appropriate time to examine what 2011 and beyond may hold for the food and beverage industry.
A daily helping of porridge and two other servings of whole-grain foods can dramatically lower the risk of heart disease, researchers in Aberdeen have discovered.
Prepared Foods gathered a panel of experts from around the food industry to explore health and wellness, new product initiatives and prospects for the future.
Per an article in the Journal of Food Science, University of Arkansas researchers found 59% of survey respondents at least occasionally purchased organic chicken.
During the Second World Congress of Public Health Nutrition held in Portugal last week, several new and pending studies were presented that show clear evidence that poor nutrition is growing in affluent countries, despite widespread consumer access to nutritious foods and nutritional education campaigns.