Prepared Foods Chief Editor Bob Garrison talks protein with Dr. Baljit Ghotra, co-CEO and co-founder of EQUII Foods, a San Francisco Bay-area start-up whose Equii retail and foodservice breads and bread mixes boast two times more protein, 30% fewer carbs, and 50% less sugar compared to other leading brands. High Protein baked goods are a desired and growing category serving the health and wellness minded consumer. However, high protein baked goods often are too dense, crumbly, often bitter and prone to staling.

Dr. Ghotra, tells Prepared Foods about key hurdles in development, which were to achieve bread’s classic taste and texture, while delivering 10g complete protein in the final bread slice. He says Equii turned to protein fermentation and its R&D work required careful optimization of protein properties and baking process to achieve the same height, gluten matrix and air cell matrix as expected in a normal bread. Protein alters the water binding properties of dough and baking temperature as well. Changes in recipe, time and temperature of baking were achieved through extensive research on protein interactions with dough before and during baking. Due to the desire for a clean ingredient label, several trials were conducted to identify the optimal preservative matrix for a target shelf life. To make baking process a drop-in for regular bakery, Equii even partnered with actual bakeries to lock down product quality and exact baking parameters at scale.

In the end, Equii’s taste and texture work has paid off and its high protein bake mix for restaurants earned a 2023 FABI award from the National Restaurant Association. Equii’s bread for restaurants also earned one of Prepared Foods’ 2022-2023 Spirit of Innovation Awards in the “Foodservice, Front of House” category. Dr. Ghotra discusses all the angles—from protein fermentation technology to finalizing the bread’s optimal taste and delivery of nine essential amino acids.

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