EQUII created a complete protein flour using fermentation, with the launch of its flagship Bread products last year. EQUII’s goal is to disrupt age-old fermentation methods with modern day innovation, combined with culinary art to make animal-free products that deliver great taste and complete protein.
The new breads are set to increase the nutritional value of a daily staple with 4g of dietary fiber per slice
December 15, 2023
EQUII unveiled its latest triumph in nutritional innovation – the introduction of its new EQUII Complete Protein and Added Fiber breads, which are available in both Premium Classic Wheat + Fiber and Premium Multi-Grain + Fiber.
EQUII's breads contain 10g of complete protein per slice, setting them apart in the market as a complete protein source. Each slice contains all 9 essential amino acids in the correct ratio, which are essential for human well-being, but are typically found only in animal protein.
A successful product formula needs just the right ingredients in the right proportions. The same axiom applies to a great company and/or a disruptive innovation. It requires just the right combination of people, process, product and consumer appeal—which in this case, involves protein, an essential dietary macronutrient.
Prepared Foods Chief Editor Bob Garrison talks protein with Dr. Baljit Ghotra, co-CEO and co-founder of EQUII Foods, a San Francisco Bay-area start-up whose Equii retail and foodservice breads and bread mixes boast two times more protein, 30% fewer carbs, and 50% less sugar compared to other leading brands.