The big picture of cancer risk reduction hasn’t changed much in decades, and the dietary prescription remains, “increase the proportion of fruits and vegetables in the diet and maintain a healthy body weight.” However, attention increasingly is turning to more specific ingredients.
Nutrisystem offers coordinated food program for diabetes, weight control.
April 9, 2015
Nutrisystem, Inc., Fort Washington, Pa., greeted 2015 with a new weight loss program: Fast 5+, a new program to help customers lose five pounds PLUS one inch off their waist in their first week of dieting—or their money back guaranteed.
Raisins have been a long-standing snack for many generations, but most consumers are unaware of the health benefits that come with consuming raisins on a regular basis.
Although obesity growth rates appear to have plateaued, an alarming number of consumers still face dire health consequences. In response, manufacturers are creating a range of a new weight management foods and beverages.
Some of the nation’s largest food companies have cut daily calorie counts by an average of 78 per person.
January 15, 2014
The study sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation found that between 2007 and 2012, the estimated the total cut in food product calories to be about 6.4 trillion.