Gelita using FiE to showcase new gelatine and collagen peptides advances
November 9, 2017
GELITA will use this year’s Food Ingredients Europe (FiE) to showcase various benefits of its novel “Fast Forward Process” and “Particle Engineering” processes, which utilize gelatine and collagen peptides. These new advances are part of the company’s SMART TECHNOLOGY portfolio.
NuttZo Bold BiteZ bars are available in two varieties: Power Fuel + Collagen and Peanut Pro + Collagen
November 8, 2017
A new, portable take on NuttZo’s popular jarred nut and seed butter flavors, Bold BiteZ will offer the health benefits of seven nuts and seeds, and will be available in the refrigerated section of premier grocers nationwide.
Green Valley Organics is currently updating its packaging to include the FODMAP Friendly seal
October 23, 2017
FODMAPs — a scientific acronym that stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols — are poorly-absorbed carbohydrates that ferment in the gut.
The big picture of cancer risk reduction hasn’t changed much in decades, and the dietary prescription remains, “increase the proportion of fruits and vegetables in the diet and maintain a healthy body weight.” However, attention increasingly is turning to more specific ingredients.
New organic, gluten-free line of cookies combine four ancient grains and immune-boosting probiotics
April 27, 2017
Free from gluten, dairy, soy and egg, NurturMe Ancient Grain Cookies combine four nutrient-packed ancient grains with a daily dose of GanedenBC30® probiotics to support digestive health and immune health in little ones.
Mindbody Foods Inc., Monrovia, Calif., says its new Zen Breakfast Blend is a first-of-a kind vegan nut and seed protein smoothie pouch.
April 13, 2017
Whereas most traditional breakfast offerings are high in carbs and sugar, a prepared Zen Breakfast Blend is mostly protein, fats and fiber with added probiotics to support digestive health, immune health and protein utilization.