Red Meat Link to CVD and Cancer March 24/Washingoton/Orlando Sentinel -- The largest study of its kind finds that older Americans who eat large amounts of red meat and processed
Fish and Cancer Prevention March 25/London/The Express -- Consuming oily fish just once a week could help men to survive prostate cancer, scientists revealed. A study shows a diet rich
Health Benefits from Alcohol March 25/Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week -- The devastating effects of excessive alcohol consumption are undisputable, although some data suggest that moderate alcohol consumption may impart
Vitamin D and Insulin SecretionMarch 25/Drug Week -- According to recent research published in the Journal of Nutrition, "The consumption of calcium, vitamin D and dairy products maybe associated with
Fiber's Effects on FatMarch 25/Health & Medicine Week -- According to a study in the U.S., "Research investigating fiber intake and changes in weight over time has not controlled for
Dairy and Body FatMarch 25/Health & Medicine Week -- In a recently published article, scientists in the U.S. conducted a study "to explore the relation between dairy intake and body
The Problem with ZincMarch 25/Health & Medicine Week -- "Zinc deficiency is a major public health problem in many developing countries. However, its prevalence is still unknown in most populations,"
Diet and Cognitive FunctionMarch 25/Aging & Elder Health Week -- "Animal studies suggest that diets low in calories and rich in unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) are beneficial for cognitive function
Blaming Fructose March 26/Perth, Australia/The West Australian -- Fructose, a sugar commonly used in fruit juices, soft drinks and snack foods, has been blamed for contributing to rising obesity and
Highs and Lows March 26/Pharma Investments, Ventures & Law Weekly -- According to recent research published in the journal Obesity, "The aim of the current investigations was to examine the