While one supplier discussed advances in natural meat processing, another offered processed meat improvements through use of two new phosphates. Providing some background, Eugene Brotsky, senior technical service representative, Innophos
Companies can take the initiative in seeking innovative new product ideas by establishing their own ideal target for future product lines and defining how far afield from its current products
Cooking sauces and marinades stand to gain from the current economic slump, as they not only make up for cooking skills many consumers lack, but are also generally a cheap substitute for more exotic ingredients.
“Wheying” InOne company creates whey products that deliver multiple benefits in a variety of food and beverage applications. Grande Custom Ingredients Group’s Grande Bravo® whey protein can improve a product’s
An overview of a range of proposed regulations and issues, such as food safety, allergens, label claims and ingredient use, marketing to children and factors impacting food material sourcing.