Restaurants and consumers alike experiment with the creation of tantalizing tidbits offering new food flavorings with components drawn from the four corners of the earth.
Texture management helps maximize shelflife and improves quality characteristics in reduced-fat and -calorie foods. It is also crucial for developing properties such as freeze/thaw stability, particle suspension, creaminess and enhanced melt properties.
The Hain Celestial Group launched what it bills as “the first organic soups in a microwaveable bowl” under its Health Valley brand. Tomato Bisque is one of the line of
Echo Boomers—-or Generation Y—-is a savvy group with tremendous purchasing power and strong beliefs: An examination of buying patterns and preferences on college campuses is provided.
The large and growing North American Hispanic market may be a food marketer’s dream, but truly understanding it is essential. This is a culturally diverse group, whose food preferences are anything but homogeneous.
Luxury Low-cal Snack In keeping with current health trends, a 200-calorie snack has much appeal. The Almond Board of California challenged food science students to develop such a snack. This
Products of increased yields with tender, sliceable texture and of maximum safety: these are the challenges of formulators of meat products. Here are just a few of Prepared Foods’ 2006 R&D Seminars that covered this subject.