Millions of people who take dietary supplements to ward off cancer may be toying with a "two-edged sword" that might do them harm, experts have warned.
Researchers at the University of Scranton (Pa.) ran a lab analysis on the content in several types and brands of popcorn and found that the crunchy hull is rich in polyphenols.
A team of international researchers identified antioxidant components in ingredients of the Mediterranean diet that are highly beneficial in preventing breast and skin cancer
Blueberries add fruit identity, texture, color and flavor excitement to sauces, marinades, salsas, etc., by bringing out the best in the foods they “dress.”
Nuts pack a healthy punch and ranks walnuts at the top for having both more healthful antioxidants, called polyphenols, and a higher antioxidant potency than the other nuts analyzed.
As the Baby Boomer population ages and embraces a more youthful culture, the market for cosmeceuticals is expected to grow. Also, a look at the science behind antioxidants can help manufacturers understand and avoid labeling pitfalls.