Breakfast occasions to grow by 5% over next few years
May 19, 2016
Annual morning snack occasions per person, in and away from home, have increased by 17% over the past six years, according to NPD’s continual tracking of U.S. eating behaviors.
A mix of generational, life stage, and aging influences will inform the future of eating in the US
May 13, 2016
Age, ethnicity, life stage, and values also influence current and future eating behaviors, based on a recently released NPD study that leverages 30 years of actual consumption data to quantitatively determine what is myth and reality about eating patterns among the generations.
Americans still eat three main meals a day, according to new NPD Group research
April 28, 2016
It’s fact that U.S. consumers snack a lot — between meal snacking accounts for about a third of all eating occasions — but they continue to view the day as generally having three main meal occasions that align with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, according to NPD’s daily tracking of eating and snacking behaviors.
US consumers are using fewer dishes and ingredients in meal prep; eating occasions are flat
March 11, 2016
This unprecedented shift in consumer attitudes and behaviors have food manufacturers struggling to find growth in a changing marketplace where legacy brands are ceding share to smaller, new entrants and the store perimeter is outperforming center of the store.
Foodservice home delivery, excluding pizza, grows by double-digits and direct-to-door meal kits are finding niche market
February 17, 2016
Food delivery is not a new phenomenon but the accessibility and availability of these direct-to-door home meal services, whether in-home meal kits, like Blue Apron, or foodservice delivery, like DoorDash, is unprecedented, finds The NPD Group, a leading global information company.
U.S. consumers choose healthier lifestyles rather than dieting
January 6, 2016
Consumers define their own diets by putting more focus on the authenticity and purity of the foods they eat, according to NPD’s recently released Eating Patterns in America, an annual compilation of NPD’s ongoing food and beverage consumption research.
New priorities are coming into focus for consumers, like eating foods in their pure form
January 4, 2016
What we eat and drink each year might not change as quickly as the mobile phones we carry in our pockets, but food and beverage marketers should not take this as a license to rest on their laurels.
Study finds that McDonald’s customers ordered breakfast foods beyond traditional breakfast hours
December 16, 2015
The NPD study, which is based on its receipt harvesting service, Checkout TrackingSM, also found that there was a sizeable lift in breakfast food orders throughout the day.