Pay more, get less. This is the scenario increasingly playing out at grocery stores across the country, and a majority of food shoppers are taking note, according to Deloitte's new "2011 Consumer Food and Product Insight Survey."
Food giant Kraft Foods, the owner of Cadbury, has warned it will increase the prices of its products again this year because of higher raw material costs.
McDonald’s Corp. said first-quarter profit rose 11%, fueled by U.S. demand for coffee and burgers, and predicted further increases in food costs this year.
Global food prices have fallen for the first time in eight months, but it may be premature to conclude that means the recent sharp spike is over, a U.N. agency said.
Not only are restaurant patrons willing to pay more for meals prepared with produce and meat from local providers, the proportion of customers preferring local meals actually increases, when the price increases, according to a team of international researchers.