The soluble prebiotic fiber meets consumer demands for fiber products that are gentle on the gut
April 16, 2019
FODMAPs (fermentable oligo-saccharides, disaccharides, mono-saccharides and polyols) are a group of poorly-absorbed dietary sugars that ferment in the gut, which can trigger symptoms of IBS and other functional gastrointestinal disorders
The new lines of probiotic-infused or fermented products are favored for their light and delicate flavors. However, a major challenge for makers of such beverages has been that it can be difficult to mask any undesired fermentation or savory notes in these types of water-heavy products.
Show organizers dedicated efforts to a biodiversity installation that opened a broad conversation about sustainability
January 30, 2019
This year, more than 1,400 exhibitors showcased products that target a multitude of consumers demands and industry trends. Plant-based foods, sustainable foods, alternative sources of protein and products that address a variety of wellness issues were all on display at the 2019 event.
In and of itself, fermented or probiotic laden foods are not a new trend. Kimchi, kombucha and pickled foods have been hot for some time now. But a live hot sauce? That is new.
Comax Flavors shares 2019 Flavor Trends with new flavors divided into four unique collections
November 27, 2018
Drink To Your Health is a collection of better-for-you beverages while Meatless Meals addresses consumers’ effort to eat less meat and incorporate more plant-based protein into their diets. A Passage To India capitalizes on the growing younger demographics’ attraction to multicultural flavors while Steeped In Culture taps into consumers’ interest in high-impact fermented and pickled flavors.
Naturex takes plant-based ingredients to the next level at SupplySide West 2018
October 22, 2018
Developed through a partnership between Naturex and Cura Global Health Inc, ULTIMINE™ Iron is a whole food iron obtained from koji (Aspergilus oryzae) using a patented fungal fermentation process.
Artisan products have a new position in the US market as more consumers express interest about what's in their foods and drinks—as well as where and how those items are produced.