Verano Holdings Corp. launched BITS, a new line of low-dose, high-function edibles.

Each of BITS’ five initial flavors offer a blend of 5mg THC, complementary cannabinoids, and adaptogens designed to enhance and not overtake, as well as make the cannabis edible experience less intimidating, more accessible and enjoyable.

The new product line will be available at Verano’s Zen Leaf dispensaries, as well as third-party retail locations in six core markets: Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey and Ohio, with additional rollouts in Arizona and Florida expected soon.

BITS’ product profiles include:

- Yuzu Zone: A blend of ginseng, reishi, turmeric, THC and CBG, this savvy sativa edible embodies anti-procrastination, meant to help tackle that lengthy to-do list.
- Elderberry Wellness: A soothing indica blend with equal parts THC and CBD, plus elderflower, elderberry, and acerola, to add a hint of well-being to any cozy comfort.
- Pomegranate R&R: This dreamy indica edible is infused with THC and CBN, plus ashwagandha and lemon balm, for a more satisfying sleep.
- Acai Affection: This sensual hybrid edible made with THC, rose extract, and rose hip delivers a hint of passion to enhance moments of intimacy.
- Guava Go: This sativa edible is made with THC, coffee fruit and guarana for a natural boost.