Montana-based Cowgirl Cattle & Trading Company created a robust line of organic grass-fed beef snacks just for women. The company's flagship offering consists of a line of premium beef jerky products designed to inspire and empower women while fighting for equal pay. The package features a cartoon panel inside every pouch from their proprietary novel, "Laramie Landon A Cowgirl's Adventure."

Cowgirl Cattle's desire to launch a female-centric beef jerky brand began a few years ago when the owners went to a grocery store and noticed that, of all the jerkies in the store, not a single one was created for women.

 All Cowgirl Cattle organic beef products:

 • Are made from USDA Organic grass-fed, grass-finished beef
• Comply with USDA Organic chain of control
• Are source-verified and tested
• Are free of pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones, antibiotics, gluten, corn, and GMOs
• Never contain fillers, artificial ingredients, fake sweeteners, or high fructose corn syrup
• Always contains a new cartoon panel from its serialized novel in every batch
• Are nutritious, high in protein, low in fat, low-sugar or sugar-free, and are both paleo and keto-friendly.