Barnana®, a sustainable snacks company, recently fielded a national consumer survey to gauge mainstream America's knowledge about plantains to introduce its newest chip, Organic Plantain Crisps. The national survey revealed that while potato chips may still be America's favorite, with 87% of Americans finding them at least somewhat appealing, plantain chips are a contender at 42%, far ahead of kale chips at 27%. Younger adults are even more enthusiastic, with plantain chip appeal jumping to 55% among 18-34 year olds, versus potato chips at 84%.

A common misperception about plantain chips is that they will be sweet because many plantain products on US grocery shelves and served in restaurants use fully-ripe plantains that contain more natural sugar, giving them a sweeter flavor profile. Barnana's plantain chips, including the new Organic Plantain Crisps, are savory because they're made from organic green plantains which are rich in resistant starch that has not yet converted to sugar. They're sliced, gently fried in 100% organic coconut oil, mashed until they're even thinner, then fried again to create a unique, flaky and layered texture.

While taste is still the top driver in snacking choices, nutrition is a factor in plantain chips, according to the survey, as Americans look for better-for-you options. Barnana's Organic Plantain Crisps are made with only whole foods; the Sea Salt flavor is made from organic green plantains, organic coconut oil and sea salt and the Garlic flavor is made with the same three ingredients plus organic garlic. Each variety contains 0g of sugar per serving and the crisps are gluten-free, grain-free and Paleo-friendly.

Barnana's Organic Plantain Crisps could also appeal to the growing number of people, sometimes called planetarians, who eat foods that leave a lighter footprint on the planet; or anyone who is trying to eat more sustainably to help reduce global environmental and social justice problems within the food system.

The suggested retail price is $4.99 for a 4.0oz package.