Like the Stonyfield line of yogurt smoothies, Hershey’s Milk & Milkshakes likewise promise no high-fructose corn syrup in a variety of flavors. These include Hershey’s Lowfat Chocolate Milk, Hershey’s Creamy Chocolate Milkshake, Hershey’s Cookies n’ Creme Milkshake, Hershey’s Strawberry Milkshake and, new for 2013, Hershey’s Special Dark Milkshake, which has a dark chocolate flavor.
The Special Dark variety joins the brand’s premium line of single-serve, refrigerated dairy beverages, available in 12oz plastic bottles. It is the latest in the line born of a partnership between HP Hood and The Hershey Company, which launched the Hershey-branded products in 2010. Lynne Bohan, spokesperson for HP Hood LLC, explains, “Special Dark continues to be a popular flavor, and it was a natural progression of the line to add this flavor.”