Naturex using Engredea 2018 to highlight powerful nutrition “that excites the senses.”
February 26, 2018
Naturex will introduce Engredea visitors to a Heart-Healthy Chipotle Lime & Fire Roasted Vegetable Snack. This is enriched with Naturex’s new Swedish Oatfiber SWEOAT Bran, which delivers oat beta glucans that have an FDA-authorized health claim for coronary heart disease[1]. Demonstrating synergistic opportunities, this snack is enhanced with Naturex’s new range of vegetable powders produced using a high temperature direct flame-roasting technology, which intensifies the flavor of fresh vegetables into sweet, concentrated notes.
Ingredients that are natural and multifunctional are in great demand by food formulators and product developers. Pea, oat and corn fibers are healthy ingredients loaded with dietary fiber and have the added benefit of being perceived as “natural” by consumers.
The most recent definition of dietary fiber by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, in 2001, stated it is the edible part of plants or analogous carbohydrates that are resistant to digestion and absorption in the human small intestine, with complete or partial fermentation in the large intestine.