Datassential report finds that health drives interest in CBD, THC products.
December 3, 2019
There is enough interest in THC- or CBD-infused foods and beverages that such items could be a growth area for some foodservice brands, but marketing those items in the right way — and in the right venue — will be challenging.
The fledgling cannabis-focused foodservice market continues to see growth.
November 18, 2019
According to a recent survey from Chicago-based Datassential, around one in four consumers are interested in buying cannabis products from regular restaurants and convenience stores—and more people want to engage with cannabis-themed foodservice concepts.
Cannabis on the menu: Cannabis ingredients have the potential to make serious waves across the foodservice industry.
June 17, 2019
One of the biggest opportunities is with cannabidiol (CBD), an ingredient you've no doubt seen in food industry news quite a bit this year. But just what is it, how can it be used, why is it so popular and what are the implications for the restaurant industry?