Consumers turn to allergen-free foods with increasing frequency, and for reasons beyond allergies, as some believe a gluten-free diet can help them manage weight and is a healthier option.
Children's allergies to peanuts, dairy and other foods cost the U.S. nearly $25 billion a year.
September 30, 2013
Expenses associated with buying special allergen-free foods, placing children in allergy-sensitive schools and making special arrangements for child care in facilities that are willing to banish peanuts represented a total $5.5 billion.
Babies whose mothers take probiotics while pregnant and those who are given the so-called “good bacteria” supplements early in life may be at lower risk for allergies but not asthma than other kids..
August 26, 2013
Doctors do not typically recommend for or against probiotics for pregnant women or young children, and it is still too soon to make that leap, said the report's senior author.