Win-Win-Win: ADM/Matsutani's Fibersol products can boost fiber content and also replace sugar's non-sweetening functional properties to achieve sugar and calorie reduction
May 17, 2019
People typically associate fiber with "traditional" applications such as bread, nutrition bars or functional beverages. Yet most would be surprised to know that their favorite candies, ice cream, chocolates and other sweets also can be formulated with fiber for an extra nutritional boost.
Fiberstar’s Citri-Fi® natural citrus fiber has clean label appeal
June 15, 2016
Fiberstar sells Citri-Fi®, a natural citrus fiber. Due to the clean, patented process, this fiber consists of insoluble and soluble fiber and protein. Citri-Fi also contains intact pectin that can be activated to produce gelling properties in high sugar/low pH food processing conditions.