Batters, Breading and Coatings, they make it all better. They make the medicine go down, so to speak.
Don't like vegetables? Ever had tempura? Goodness gracious. What an immaculate way to prepare carrots and sweet potato, broccoli and a good old fashioned onion. And let's not even bother with the intoxicating nature of fried chicken. I mean it. We shouldn't bother with that subject. I'll end up cutting this entry short and dash out to my neighborhood chicken shack where I've often walked through the door only to become delirious with the smell of frying chicken.
But you know all this! You are living, breathing human beings! You know that fried chicken can bowl you over on sight. What you need to know is how make the batters, breading and coatings used to create such products, better. I can help, that is, the entire Prepared Foods staff can. Below are snapshots of industry trends and research that could shed light in that dark corner that has kept you confused and restless for the past few months. Calm yourself! You have found the truth!
Your weekly reduction!
Articles and videos concerning Batters, Breading and Coatings in food product development.
The Global Texture Market
A new report defines and segments the food texture market.
Artisanal Baking: Keeping It Real
When bread or other baked goods are made by an artisan—created with only a few pure, high-quality ingredients; mixed and shaped by hand; and baked in a hearth oven—every last crumb has soul.
The Crunch on Batters and Breadings
Fried in the Future
Application and Handling of Confectionery Coatings and Fillings
Formulating Batters and Breading for Reduced Fat Absorption in Fried Foods
Find more articles about Batters, Breading and Coatings in food product development and formulation.
Make it All Better with Batters, Breading and Coatings
Research and industry trends to help you reduce costs in formulation