I'll admit it. I spent this morning at the lumber yard. So many shades of wood, so many shapes of wood, so many splinters!

I'm having to dictate this entry to my childhood friend and current neighbor Sherwood Day because each of my fingertips is bandaged, and some still have splinters protruding from them. I am unable to finger my keyboard. What will I do?

I am a mess.

I can't high-five letter carriers on the sidewalk, as I am wont to do. And I certainly won't be playing handball this afternoon, though that isn't surprising because I've never played handball before.
Eeeepsh! What if today was the day the universe intended for me pick up the game of handball? What if I've missed my opportunity? I could have been great! I know it in my heart. I could have been the greatest since Jimmy Jacobs, in four- and three-wall competition.

What a sad day.

I suppose there is nothing left to do, save for pushing ahead with delivering to you this sought after research:

A study of more than 550 adolescents ages 14-18 recruited from Augusta high schools found that on average they got about 33% of the adequate amount of daily fiber.

The properties of corn fiber were discussed by Aili Yang, applications project manager, and Lynda Carroll, director of applications, Z Trim Ingredients, in their joint presentation, “Formulating with Multifunctional Ingredients for Better Consumer Product Performance,” at a recent Prepared Foods’R&D Seminars-Chicago.

The legume family, Fabaceae (or Leguminosae), includes the oilseeds (peanuts and soybeans) and the dried “grain pulses” (lentils, peas, chickpeas, beans).

North Americans try to consume more fiber. In fact, 72% of the 1,000+ people surveyed in 2011’s International Food Information Council’s (IFIC) “Food and Health Survey” say so.

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Pea Fiber: A New Option for Fiber Enrichment

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Uniqueness of Modified Wheat Starch: Improved Flavor and Salt Perception

Find more articles about dietary fiber in food and beverage product development and formulation.