Nick Roskelly is a thirteen-year veteran of the food and beverage industry, beginning his editorial career in 2001. After covering new product trends for seven years, Roskelly went on to develop an array of digital media products for B2B brands spanning food categories. Today, he focuses on relaying new food and beverage product information through various forms of digital media. Send your news and new products releases to Nick.
More than half of 2015 has transpired, which is at once baffling and comforting. Time keeps slipping away, but its passage allows us a glimpse at patterns that may influence the months and years ahead.
Well, here we are, a quarter of the way through 2015. It seems that we were just debating the new year’s most important industry trends. At this point, we should be able to shape an actual assessment of what broad trends are delivering an impact to the food and beverage industry at-large.
It’s been years since I’ve attended one of the Specialty Food Association’s annual Fancy Food shows. The last time I was on the show floor, it seemed attendees couldn’t get over the magic of a chocolate fountain. Truth be told, I still can’t. I find myself achieving a meditative state and staring at the smooth liquid skin of chocolate flowing from a tiny top ring to the big bottom one.