Functional foods and flavors continue to climb in popularity as such foods achieve just that: beyond providing nutritional benefits, they bring flavor, comfort, and excitement to the table. Among these, immunity-targeting products are in the forefront.
Over the past four years, plant-based product sales have seen strong growth, reaching record sales of $8B in 2022 (SPINS). While 88% of active users have a moderate to high commitment to continue their plant-based purchases, one-third of shoppers say they would like to see more plant-based offerings at stores, according to research. Retailers and brands can drive growth by offering a broader assortment and more online and in-store options.
"Cold Brew is an exciting new beverage for everyday enjoyment. The carefully curated collection can be enjoyed any time of day, during any season, and features three herbal tea flavor pairings sure to please every palate," says Katie Kameswaran, Tea Forté marketing director.
“More and more research is looking at our gut microbiome and how it plays an integral role in affecting our immune system, brain health and other body functions,” says Dr. Samara Sterling, a nutrition scientist and research director for The Peanut Institute. “These findings are exciting because the students consumed a relatively small amount of peanuts each day but the impact on their memory and mood was statistically significant.”
Gen Z’s dietary preferences are evolving. To appeal to them, diet and nutrition brands will need to embrace international flavors and cuisines. We predict growth in categories that successfully blend Gen Z’s desire for nutritious, plant-forward foods with their craving for authentic, internationally-inspired flavors.
Reality television personality Jenelle Evans (MTV’s Teen Mom 2, 2009-2019) introduced Time Of The Day, a new line of Fair Trade-sourced functional mushroom coffees. Publicly dealing with fibromyalgia, body aches, migraines, and recently diagnosed with thymic hyperplasia, Evans said she knew she had to make health and lifestyle changes to improve her well-being.
Motivated by market interest and functionality, edibles brands and manufacturers are building on customer feedback and cannabinoid research to develop products tailored for desired mood or need states.
Although plant-based has become a popular term in the dairy- and meat-free categories, it does not accurately describe all developments in this fast-moving field. There are technologies that generate “animal-free,” bioidentical ingredients such as dairy whey and dairy casein. Even so, “plant-based” continues to grow in use, with indexed average annual growth of +42% between 2017 and 2022.
At a time when the meat analog industry is in a state of flux, Yves Potvin started a new company—Konscious Foods Canada, Inc.—and has seen it grow in leaps and bounds.