Watson introduces three custom nutritional premixes at IFT 2018
July 10, 2018
Watson will be introducing three on-trend premixes at the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Food Expo in Chicago. The Expo will be held July 16th through the 18th and is one of the largest events in the industry; it brings together professionals from all segments of the food industry.
Omya will use FiE to highlight its versatile range of natural calcium carbonates
September 4, 2017
Additional ingredients from the company’s extensive distribution portfolio enable holistic one-stop solutions for everything from savory products to nutraceuticals.
Dietary minerals function to regulate enzyme and hormone production, control blood sugar levels, and balance and improve absorption of other minerals, such as calcium.
Watson will host in-depth trend and technology talks at the 2016 IFT Food Expo
April 13, 2016
Roundtable attendees will be encouraged to ask questions, propose challenges, and discuss solutions to those challenges facing the food and beverage industry today.
Researchers identified zinc as one of the most important essential trace metals in human nutrition and lifestyle in a new review article.
July 21, 2014
Researchers identified zinc as one of the most important essential trace metals in human nutrition and lifestyle in a new review article in Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, published June 21 by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT).
SOS Hydration Inc., San Francisco, says its namesake product, SOS, is a “new healthy rehydration drink comprising the right balance of electrolytes for optimum hydration.”