With a growth in the world’s aging population worldwide, products that offer cognitive health benefits should be well-received by seniors to ward off age-related complaints, such as Alzheimer’s disease, and for better quality of life, in general.
Global product launch activity with specific diabetic positioning remained stagnant in 2011, according to global product launch statistics tracked by the Innova Database, with similar numbers of product launches recorded as to those of 2010. Meanwhile, the number of people diagnosed with the disease continues to escalate worldwide.
“Raw” food product launches are gaining momentum worldwide, whereby ingredients contained within are not processed and remain intact for superior nutrition benefits. The “superfood” notion also continues to be used by many food and beverage companies to convey foods which have high phytonutrient content and that may confer health benefits, such as cancer risk reduction.
While fat reduction has been a key issue in the food industry for many years, an increased focus is now placed on reducing sodium levels in the diet, caused by high salt intakes.
Treatment with tripotassium citrate (TPC) leads to significant increases in bone mineral density (BMD) and improvement of bone microarchitecture in healthy elderly people.