International Molasses introduces powdered sweetener from fresh-squeezed cane juice
May 26, 2021
International Molasses (IM), a leading supplier of molasses and natural sweeteners, introduces CaneRite™ Panela, an all-natural, free-flowing powder sweetener made from the freshly squeezed juice of the entire sugar cane plant.
The third-party-verified LCA study found EverSweet offers significant environmental advantages
May 24, 2021
Transparency is at the heart of two new initiatives from Cargill, a comprehensive Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of EverSweet® stevia sweetener by Avansya and a first-of-its-kind look inside the company’s leaf-based stevia sustainability efforts.
The past year has been a rollercoaster ride for the cheese category. While the COVID-19 pandemic drastically reduced demand for cheese in foodservice, the category’s growth at retail was extensive, notes Kelly Slentz, associate brand manager, cheese for La Farge, Wis.-based Organic Valley.
Dr. Sarah Reisinger to take on role as chief research officer
May 20, 2021
Firmenich appointed Sarah Reisinger as chief research officer, effective July 1, 2021. She will report to the Group CEO, Gilbert Ghostine, as a member of his executive team after most recently serving as senior vice president of research operations.
Chr. Hansen Natural Colors A/S, an EQT portfolio company, announces new company name and identity following the move to a standalone company
May 20, 2021
Chr. Hansen Natural Colors A/S, a provider of natural colors, announced the company will be known as Oterra™, effective immediately, and will begin the process to operate under the new name.
Comax Flavors offers flavors for many popular breakfast items
May 19, 2021
Working from home is becoming the new normal coupled with remote learning for children. In addition, common and comforting breakfast foods such as cereal, donuts, and muffins are nostalgic and remind individuals of their childhood. These behaviors have led to a return to breakfast basics and a renewed interest in breakfast food.
Epogee’s new website gives processors a new resource for calorie-cutting formulations
May 17, 2021
Epogee unveiled a completely redesigned website at It give food and beverage manufacturers an informative and efficient experience that is easy to navigate. The site showcases EPG, an alternative fat technology that appears on ingredient labels as “GMO-free modified plant-based oil.”
Motif to expand work with Professor Alejandro Marangoni and the University of Guelph Ontario to create plant-based cheese that stretches and melts, and plant-based meat with healthier, marbleized fat
May 14, 2021
Motif will have exclusive access to these food technologies, which hold the promise to address two of the most significant challenges in plant-based foods: achieving melt and stretch in plant-based cheese, and healthier fat that marbleizes in plant-based meat.