The global food industry will conduct 966.5 million microbiology tests in 2013 to ensure the safety of food products and detect dangerous pathogens in food.
June 26, 2013
Microbiology testing practices by food producers around the world do vary extensively.
A new study showed that consuming peanut butter or peanuts for breakfast can control blood sugar throughout most of the day.
June 18, 2013
Peanuts and peanut butter caused a significant reduction in the desire to eat for up to 12 hours and a significant increase in the secretion of the hormone PYY that promotes satiety and feelings of fullness.
Vegetarian diets have been linked with reductions in risk for several chronic diseases, including hypertension, but a new study has claimed that they are also associated with reduced death rates.
June 5, 2013
The study noted that some evidence suggested that vegetarian dietary patterns could be associated with reduced mortality, but the relationship is not well established.
Eating food containing even a little nicotine, such as peppers and tomatoes, may reduce the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease, U.S. researchers say.
May 17, 2013
As consumption of edible Solanaceae -- a flowering plant family with some species producing foods that are edible sources of nicotine -- increased, the risk of Parkinson’s decreased.
Sunsweet Growers’ natural plum-based ingredients help processors create new culinary possibilities while they remove chemicals, fat and sugar.
May 15, 2013
Sunsweet Growers, the world’s largest producer and marketer of dried plum products, has developed a line of industrial, natural plum-based ingredients.