Hofseth Biocare ASA (HBC) completed its Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) self-affirmation approval for ProGo, the company’s Salmon Protein Hydrolysate specially designed for human nutrition.
The egg experts at the American Egg Board (AEB) and Egg Nutrition Center (ENC) teamed up with trend authorities at NPD Group and Research Chef Walter Zuromski, CEC, CCE, BS, who is AEB culinary advisor, to compile the following list of top egg trends for 2013.
Hofseth Biocare ASA (HBC) completed its generally recognized as safe (GRAS) self-affirmation approval for its Salmon Protein Hydrolysate specially designed for human nutrition, ProGo.
A university food scientist has developed a process that turns coarse golden by-product of ethanol production also known as distillers' dried grain (DDG) into a food-grade ingredient.