A survey revealed that 55% of homes with a family member with lactose intolerance may not consume the Dietary Guidelines recommended servings of dairy each day.
July 3, 2014
The survey revealed that 55% of homes with a family member with lactose intolerance may not consume the Dietary Guidelines recommended servings of dairy each day.
Few things are more American than baseball, blue jeans and apple pie, just so long as that apple pie is not frozen.
July 3, 2014
While total retail sales of prepared cakes and pies grew 24% from 2009-14 to reach $11.2 billion, frozen and refrigerated cakes and pies was the only segment to decline (2.4%).
High interest in protein content and high-protein lines across the food and drinks market is continuing to develop.
July 3, 2014
The protein trend is driven by increasing health concerns – primarily weight management – plus the move of sports and performance products into the mainstream and targeted at the more generally active, rather than just athletes and sportsmen.
Ingredion Incorporated has entered an agreement with Alliance Grain Traders Inc. to be AGT’s distributor of that company’s pulse flours, protein and bran ingredients.
June 24, 2014
The agreement includes products for consumer foods (for example, baked goods, snacks and pasta) and covers the United States, Canada, China, most of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.
The top American agriculture official has called on the European Union to do more to ease restrictions on gene-altered food and feed crops if it hoped to reach a trans-Atlantic trade pact.
June 19, 2014
The deal is also drawing opposition from groups on both sides of the Atlantic, concerned it will lower environmental standards and weaken consumer protections.