Sunderstorm is launching a line of hemp-derived gummies under its KANHA edibles brand.

The gummies contain delta-9-THC from hemp, and they're available now on KANHA's new e-commerce platform,, as well as in select retail outlets.

As with all KANHA products, the hemp-derived gummies are tested three times by independent labs to confirm precise dosage and zero pesticides.

"Since the day we launched in 2015, we've insisted on a strict zero-pesticide policy and rigorous testing across all KANHA products to ensure the utmost safety and accuracy," said Cameron Clarke, co-founder and CEO of Sunderstorm. "Consumers are demanding reliable hemp products, and provides access to ultra-clean KANHA gummies that consumers can enjoy safely and with confidence. Low-dose hemp edibles and beverages are here to stay, and we believe the markets will bifurcate based upon potency, so this launch provides access to millions of new consumers seeking safe and natural remedies that support their wellness and lifestyle goals."

For the new hemp line, KANHA utilized its team of doctors to determine the best cannabinoid, terpene and co-active pairings to deliver targeted benefits with maximum efficacy. The resulting formulas include Energy with THCV, Sleep with CBN, Restore with CBG and fast-acting NANO formulas for rapid relief. All gummies contain delta-9-THC and a range of functional terpenes.