As the world emerges from the challenging pandemic era, World Taste & Smell Day 2023, slated for September 14, promises to reignite our appreciation for the profound impact that taste and smell wield in our daily lives through a diverse range of activities spanning the globe.

"We are collectively still recovering from pandemic-induced isolation and altered routines, and suffering from unprecedented levels of stress," says Rachel Herz, Ph.D., Neuroscientist, and professor at Brown University, and an advisor to the World Taste and Smell Association. "Our sense of smell and taste are integral components of overall wellness. Sensory engagement activates our brain and our body. In particular, the stimulation of smell and taste increases our cognitive, emotional, and physiological functioning and is central to enhancing our wellbeing, health span, and lifespan." 

In the spirit of this vision, the World Taste and Smell Association invited individuals of every spectrum, from the keenest of supertasters to those who navigate taste and smell challenges. With the support of sponsors, partners around the globe, and its 100% passionate volunteer team, the World Taste and Smell Association has curated exciting activities and interactive encounters, offering a canvas for rekindling these potent senses. From captivating scent workshops that tantalize the olfactory imagination, to enlightening educational events and art installations that pay homage to the senses, to resources tailored for individuals with chemosensory challenges, the offerings are as diverse as the world they embrace.

What's happening on World Taste & Smell Day 2023:

Instagram: Learn about Taste & Smell with the Monell Chemical Senses Center
Hear the experts share some little-known secrets of smell and taste, including a Q & A.

Manhattan: Smell & Tell Olfactory Art
Meet multimedia artist and inventor of the Adnose, Adnan Aga, at a special event for World Taste & Smell Day at Olfactory Art Keller, 25 Henry Street, New York, New York 

Brooklyn: Create a Custom Fragrance with Olfactory NYC
Explore the world of scent and create your own fragrance at Olfactory NYC, Brooklyn Scent Studio, 101 North 10th Street Brooklyn, New York 

Cincinnati: Children's Storytime with Alexis Wintrob Delight the little ones with an interactive storytime with the author of Za Za's Scent-Sational Super Power and Za Za Spreads Sweetness on Saturday, September 9, 2023 at Bookery Cincy, 3704 Eastern Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio

Detroit: Toast with a Pale Shadow at Castalia Cocktails
Experience the magnitude of scent loss, with the Pale Shadow, a smooth and balanced cocktail that has no aroma at Castalia Cocktails + Sfumato Fragrances, 3980 2nd Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 

Scranton: Light Up Your Senses with Limited Edition Candles from Noteology
Noteology will feature three limited-edition candles that evoke the senses in the world of gourmands at Noteology, 537 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, Pennsylvania 

UK: Navigate Parosmia with AbScent
Chrissi Kelly, founder of AbScent, will present a special video about eating while parosmic 

China: Free Olfactory Assessments
Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, No 157, Xi-wu Rd, Xin-cheng Xi'an 

Internet of the Senses Institute podcast featuring Sofia Collette Ehrich of Odeuropa and Dr. Rachel Herz, Global Consortium of Chemosensory Researchers, webinar on the latest research.