Plant-based in International Cuisine
“Plant-based has been expanding beyond the burger and tofu options that consumers have known for years, but this year’s Expo East boasted an array of new options popping up throughout the store. For example, we tried classic sauces, side dishes, and entrees in international cuisines such as Indian, Mexican, and Mediterranean. They had rich flavors and an assortment to choose from that made it clear plant-based manufacturers are offering quality options in every cuisine, so shoppers don’t have to compromise to enjoy their favorite dishes.”
Source: Naturally Network/SPINS/ Expo East

Unlocking a New Narrative 
“Plant-based” consumer demand is shifting. No longer just a substitute meant to mimic animal products, plant-based is becoming a standalone segment, creating a wide new space for brands to let their innovation instincts grow. This opens up opportunities to experiment with a wealth of underused ingredients and formats, while embracing cutting-edge technologies. Consumers are seeking culinary creativity and worldwide flavor profiles, whether in prepared products, meal kits or inventive recipe combinations
Source: Innova Market Insights, Top Ten Trends for 2023

Produce Meets Pasta
First it was chickpea pasta, then cauliflower gnocchi. And who could forget zoodles? Now there's a new crop of plant-based pasta alternatives to help us all up our veggie and fruit intake, with ingredients like spaghetti squash, hearts of palm and even green bananas. Whether you’re looking for a special diet substitute, a way to incorporate more produce into your diet, or simply want to try something new — these new plant-powered pasta alternatives offer something for everyone.
Source: Whole Foods’ Top 10 Food Trends for 2023

Cleaner, Broader Plant-based
Plant-based options continue to expand into all corners of the refrigerated and frozen dairy and protein sections – seafood, poultry, deli, cream cheese, dips, frozen treats, and so on. Some are remarkably competitive with their conventional counterparts while some still have a ways to go. Clean ingredients will be a growing emphasis on products.
Source: Specialty Food Association, “SFA Trendspotters Name 2023 Specialty Food Trends”