Designer Wellness, a source for nutrient-filled protein powders and other wellness products, introduced Designer Smoothie, a shelf stable and portable protein fruit smoothie that is made with real fruit, contains 12g of whey protein isolate, is all natural, gluten free, has 100% BPA free packaging and contains no sugar added. Designer Smoothie is available in three flavors: Mixed Berry, Strawberry Banana and Tropical Fruit. The SRP on the 4.2oz convenient single serve pouch is $3.49.

With zero added sugar, Designer Smoothie has 65% less sugar, than other similar products. Designer Smoothies contain 5-6g per serving, compared to 12-17g of sugar in other brands. 

In addition to real fruit, Designer Smoothies also contain MCT oil that is thought to provide better brain and memory function as well as other wellness benefits. Designer Smoothie does not require refrigeration before it is opened. It can be stored at room temperature or chilled.