Diana Food has extended its food and beverage coloring portfolio with a new line of organic colors. They come from natural ingredients that are carefully sourced for optimal quality by Diana’s dedicated team of agronomists.

The newly certified organic color spectrum includes a blue shade obtained from spirulina; a pink/reddish shade from red beet; as well as other appealing, naturally occurring hues such as yellow, orange, red and purple. 

These organic colors can serve as a complementary targeted addition to confectionary, dairy, and beverage products. For customers seeking a more bespoke, custom color solution, Diana can create specialized blends by using these organic colors as a developmental toolbox for inspiration.

The colors are all non-GMO and USDA-certified organic and were created with natural integrity in mind. 

Teresa Kilgore, Category Manager, Sweet and Beverage at Diana Food North America, notes that “the concept of ‘natural’ is the foundational principle of the company that goes back to the very beginning.” 

Quality at the Source

Diana Food’s agronomy experts play a central role in ensuring that these organic colors meet the company’s standard of natural excellence that customers know and trust. The team of agronomists—based in farming areas around the world—works closely with local farmers and seed developers throughout the growing cycle. Their goal is to select the best available varieties for maximum color impact, those with the most vibrant shade intensity, the least color lost and least taste impact.

In addition to providing a well-rounded sensory experience for the end consumer, this careful sourcing also ensures full supply chain transparency and traceability, guaranteeing food safety with ISO/FSSC certifications. Diana can map its organic color products back to their farm of origin and can even offer single-ingredient labeling. 

Diana Food’s work with global food producers also allows the company to implement sustainable growing practices. Agronomists only employ agricultural methods that are socially fair and ecologically sound. They are also committed to helping trusted cultivation partners increase biodiversity by conducting three assessments per region each year. 

The new organic colors are only the latest addition to Diana’s portfolio of natural products. 

“Diana Food has a legacy of ‘natural’ that preceded coloring foods,” Kilgore adds. “Our commitment to selecting the best of what nature has to offer is an accidental coincidence that works to our customers’ advantage in natural, organic colors.”

For more information, visit www.diana-food.com/organic_colors or contact Diana Food at 845.268.5200 or contact@diana-food.com


Diana Food offers solutions to the food and beverage industry for consumer well-being, which has become of foremost importance to consumers all over the world. We are committed to empowering consumers to be active caretakers of their own wellness by bringing them innovative, natural solutions which provide Health, Pleasure and Trust. To do so, we carefully select raw materials – including fruits, vegetables, meats and seafood – and apply sustainable sourcing practices to all of our streams. 

We offer high value clean label solutions, standardized nutritional actives and functionalities, enabling full product claims and a true sensory experience. Through our strong experience, knowledge and expertise in agronomy and industrial processes we guarantee food safety and traceability on all of our products.
