Skinny Pasta promotes healthy weight loss with a food staple that’s free of sugar, gluten, starch, wheat, lactose, soy, salt, cholesterol, fat and preservatives. It’s made with a unique ingredient known as the Konjac plant, a native to Southeast Asia, and contains Glucomannan, a healthy and all-natural, water-soluble fiber that aids in digestion and weight loss. As a result, unlike traditional pasta noodles which contain 300-500 calories per serving, Skinny Pasta only has nine calories.
When combined with one to two glasses of water, Skinny Pasta allows consumers to indulge and satisfy appetites. The Konjac fibers found in each Skinny Pasta dish has the superb ability to absorb liquids. Once these fibers come into contact with water upon digestion, this helps to fill the stomach, creating a sense of satisfaction and aiding in weight loss. Weight Watchers has endorsed Skinny Pasta as just one SmartPoint per serving.
Though other Konjac noodles are known to have a poignant smell as a result of the methods used to preserve them, Skinny Pasta does not. And with a similar taste and texture as traditional pasta, Skinny Pasta is available in a variety of forms, including a traditional noodle shape, couscous, spaghetti, lasagna, fettuccini and rice. Skinny Pasta is also a safe and healthy option for vegetarians, vegans, and those who are diabetic or sensitive to gluten.
New Skinny Pasta
New pasta product promotes weight loss and satiety
![Konjac Noodles Skinny Pasta](
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