The Salt Institute is supporting the National Restaurant Association in a lawsuit against the New York City Board of Health regulations to mandate that chain restaurants post salt warnings on their menus. This rule, which went into effect on December 1, applies to any and all menu items that contain over 2,300 milligrams of sodium.

"This policy is based on outdated, incorrect sodium guidelines that have been refuted by ten years of research, which shows Americans already eat within the safe range of sodium consumption. Population-wide sodium reduction strategies are not only unnecessary but could actually be harmful," said Lori Roman, President of the Salt Institute.

According to a statement released by Angelo Amador, Regulatory Counsel for the National Restaurant Association, "The lawsuit we filed in New York State Court, contends that the New York City Board of Health lacks the authority to enact such a mandate, noting that under New York State law, the power to pass new legislation is reserved for the City Council."