Cognitive Health
December 2011/NutraSolutions -- Cognitive or brain health is an area which has seen a wide range of innovative new product introductions recently, with a plethora of health benefits being claimed. Ingredient inclusions specifically for “improved focus and concentration,” “to reduce stress” and “for


relaxation” are examples of more common brain-health claims. Analysis of global product launch activity with brain-health claims worldwide from Innova Market Insights revealed the top ingredients utilized in 2010 for brain-health claims include DHA, choline, taurine, omega-3 and ginseng, with ginkgo biloba, yerba mate, L-theanine and L-tyrosine used on a much smaller scale, but with potential for growth. With a growing aging population, products with brain-health claims focused on memory retention could prove popular for consumers wanting to ward off age-related complaints, such as Alzheimer’s disease.
-- Lu Ann Williams, Innova Market Insights,,

 A Cognitive Boost
Cereboost™ is an American ginseng extract (Panax quinquefolius L.) that is used in traditional Chinese medicine to improve cognitive performance. This ingredient has a specific profile in ginsenosides, which guarantees its high activity. Naturex Inc. conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled and crossover study to demonstrate that Cereboost improves working memory and supports attention in healthy individuals (Scholey, et al. 2010). A 200mg supplementation with Cereboost has been clinically proven to immediately and significantly increase attention accuracy. Additionally, both working memory speed and capacity were significantly enhanced. Cereboost can be used in any food preparation and in food supplements. Naturex Inc., David Yvergniaux, sales director–nutrition & health, 201-440-5000,, 

 Chasing the Blues
Blue California’s L-TeaActive™, (L-Theanine) is an amino acid derived from green tea through a proprietary manufacturing process. L-Theanine safely induces relaxation without drowsiness and reduces stress. Extreme stress can be detrimental to health; it can impair normal hormonal balance, the immune system and one’s sense of well-being. L-TeaActive works by increasing production of alpha waves in the brain, which are responsible for a relaxed state of mind and mental alertness. Blue California offers this natural, high-purity L-Theanine, confirmed as GRAS by the FDA in 2010, at a competitive price. Blue California, 949-635-1991,,  

 For All of Life’s Stages
Choline is an essential nutrient important to the healthy structure and function of the human body. VitaCholine™, from Balchem, has been reviewed by the FDA for the following structure-function claims: may help memory problems associated with aging; prenatal use may lead to lifelong improvement of visuospatial memory in children born of the pregnancy; supplementation during infancy/childhood may lead to improved lifelong memory; may reduce fatigue; may help reduce levels of plasma homocysteine; and may promote healthy liver function. Balchem, 845-326-5675,

 Memory Assistance
Magtein™, from AIDP, is a breakthrough compound for cognitive health and memory. Published animal research has shown positive results for short- and long-term memory. Magtein has the potential to assist anyone who is experiencing forgetfulness, difficulty in focusing, or needs assistance in decision-making or spatial/visual recognition. Magtein is self-affirmed GRAS. Both quantitative and qualitative human research is in progress. AIDP, NS