With a diverse portfolio of better-for-you products and child-friendly treats, Philly Swirl generates approximately $25 million in annual revenues. Items include Swirl Stix Italian ice bars in both fruit and fudge flavors; Candy Push Popperz Italian ice pops packaged with sweet and sour candy; and Sweet Delites sugar-free frozen fruit bars. Products are sold both to retail and food service locations throughout the United States and Canada.
“Swirl has a unique product line and complements the frozen novelty section with popular niche products,” said Gerald B. Shreiber, president and chief executive officer of J&J Snack.
Frozen novelties are not new for J&J Snack. The company also produces Whole Fruit sorbet and frozen fruit bars, Icee and Slush Puppie frozen beverages, and Minute Made frozen juice bars and ices.