In a recent poll done by Harris Interactive -- a poll with results that may shock some -- Seattle-based coffee company Starbucks did not get voted the No. 1 coffee among Americans. As popular as the coffee may be around the country -- with locations seemingly on every street -- Starbucks holds only a 3.3% share of the U.S. market, a far distance behind the 15.6% of Folgers coffee. A popular brew among households, Folgers remains a popular brand because of its accessibility, with various roasts available in supermarkets across the country.
Folgers distributes under the JM Smucker umbrella, the company that also produces Dunkin' Donuts packaged coffee as well as the Millstone, Café Pilon and Café Bustelo brands, according to Yahoo Finance. Popular household brand Green Mountain was listed as the No. 2 most popular coffee brand while Seattle's Best Ground Coffee landed in third on the Harris list.
Other notable coffees recognized on the Harris Interactive list include Maxwell House, Dunkin' Donuts ground coffee and Eight O'Clock ground coffee. According to poll studies, Chock Full o'Nuts, Millstone, Nescafe and Newman's Own ranked below the category average and therefore were not high enough to make the list.
According to Brand Channel, one of the main reasons Folgers continues to find success in the market is because of the company's continued marketing campaign.
Java snobs who may have written off Folgers long ago in favor of Starbucks a la carte or Green Mountain in a pod may have to smell the coffee differently. Smucker's packaged Dunkin' Donuts coffee also contributed to the volume-sales gain. In a tough retailing environment and facing all manner of new QSR coffee gambits, Folgers has been able to hang on in part because of savvy marketing, Smucker asserted.
Surely the brand is getting a lot more focused attention by its new owner than it did for many years by behemoth P&G with its stable of $1 billion brands and, for most of the years before it shed Folger's, a declining emphasis on its food and beverage products.