microthermic machineMicroThermics’ equipment and miniature plant trial services save clients time and money by getting products to market faster and cheaper than traditional pilot plants or other research methods. MicroThermics is the leading supplier of laboratory UHT, HTST, pasteurization and aseptic processors used to develop everything, from simple teas and juices to soy milk, puddings and sauces. The company’s new Mini-Production Processors provide precision control and unparalleled ease-of-use with flow rates of .5 to 6 liters per minute (model-dependent). This equipment is ideal for processing high-value/low-volume products, as well as milk, dairy products, juices, microbial media, agar and more. These processors use MicroThermics’ custom heat exchangers, a variable-speed product pump and interchangeable hold tubes.

-- MicroThermics Inc., www.microthermics.com