May 1/Washington/Centers for Disease Control -- A new report from the Centers for Disease Control has found that the majority of added sugars in the diets of Americans are coming from food now, not beverages.
Laura Jeffers, registered dietitian for Cleveland Clinic, did not take part in the study but says the findings suggest a shift in sugar intake. She says there has been an increase in added sugars coming from food instead of beverages which is causing a shift in dieticians' focus on decreasing sugars from beverages.
The report looks at all sugars used in processed and prepared foods like breads, cakes and soft drinks. Those sugars have been linked to the decreased intake of essential micronutrients and an increase in body weight.
CDC researches found that among adults, only a third of calories from added sugars came from beverages, while in children and adolescents that number rose to 40 percent.
Jeffers says it is not hard to lower the amount of sugar being consumed. She recommends drinking mostly water and swapping out sugary snacks for fruits and vegetables.