Children who eat the same food as mommy and daddy tend be be healthier than those that eat off the kids menu, according to a new study from the University of Edinburgh.
April 29, 2013
BBC News reports that the study examined the eating habits of more than 2,000 five-year-olds and their families.
There are two schools of thought when it comes to weight loss diets: some say it is all about calories, while others say it is more about what you eat.
A new national study of eating out and income shows that fast-food dining becomes more common as earnings increase from low to middle incomes, weakening the popular notion that fast-food should be blamed for higher rates of obesity among the poor.
Binge-eating disorder, in which people compulsively and frequently consume large amounts of food, is as destructive for men as for women, a new study finds.
Canada's growing Asian population is exerting a powerful influence on the nation's dietary trends, from eating more fruit to consuming less beef, according to a newly released market study.
Nestle FITS data reveals that, as early as 12-24 months, children are beginning to develop some unhealthy dietary patterns that may contribute to childhood obesity.