This is the time of year when many people are staring at themselves in the mirror and making pledges to visit a gym more often. I need to be in a classroom atmosphere. That's the mantra. I need to be around others who have a drive to keep their bodies in tune.

Peer pressure, I say! Peer pressure! Yes, this spooky force that would ruin our lives in middle school is now our savior in middle age! It's easier to do something if others around us are doing it as well. 

I wish my cat had some friends with healthy eating and exercise habits. My once svelte feline friend is now a furry basketball with a powdered donut hole for a head. Her paws barely hit the ground. She'd do well if I tied a string around her collar and floated her in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. She fit right in with an inflated Pikachu. 

This sounds cruel. Perhaps it is. It comes from a place of love though. A place of love whose capital city is Cruelboro!


You are here for research and research you shall have!

This week's reduction: Articles concerning the development and formulation of food products with weight management in mind.

Ganeden’s 4,000 square-foot facility features an array of state of the art equipment including the 3130 Genetic Analyzer from Applied Biosystems and the 2100 Bioanalyzer from Agilent Technologies, which allow for verification of each lot of GanedenBC30 by PCR and genetic sequencing.

Envision grilled white meat chicken with fruits and vegetables like pineapple and edamame – all steamed to perfection with sweet and savory sesame ginger vinaigrette and topped with crispy noodles.

Researchers at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago have found that adults who occasionally went hungry during childhood had a slower rate of decline in their cognitive abilities as they aged than those who always had enough to eat as children.

A recent survey of moms shows they trust food and mom blogs for information about food issues like pesticides, genetic modification and additives.

Popcorn, Indiana, innovator of all-natural popcorn snacks, announced the debut of Popcorn, Indiana FIT, a new line of better-for-you popcorn that will be available nationwide beginning in January 2013.

Find more articles concerning the development and formulation of foods and beverages with weight management guidelines.